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Form #875Board of Zoning Appeals
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Board of zoning appeals.
A. Board of zoning appeals established: There is
hereby established a board of zoning appeals. Said board shall consist of seven
members appointed as provided by law.
The board of zoning appeals shall select one member as
its chairman and another to serve as its vice-chairman, each for a term of one
year and subject to reelection. The chairman, or in his absence, the
vice-chairman, may administer oaths and compel the attendance of witnesses.
The board shall also select one member as secretary to
keep minutes and maintain the records of the board of zoning appeals.
B. Meetings: All meetings of the board of zoning
appeals and all hearings shall be open to the public. Meetings shall be held at
the call of the chairman and at such other times as the board may determine.
Meetings may be called at the request of three members of the board. The board
shall keep minutes of its proceedings showing the vote of each member upon
every question decided by it, or if any member is absent or fails to vote,
indicating such fact. Statement of the facts found by the board shall be
included in the minutes of each case heard or considered by it. The reason for
recommending or denying an exception as herein provided shall also appear in
the minutes. In every instance, a statement of the facts upon which such
recommendations are based shall appear in the minutes. The board shall adopt
its own rules of procedure, a copy of which and all amendments thereto shall be
filed in the office of the clerk. The minutes of the board shall be open to
public examination at reasonable hours. Expenses incurred by the board of
appeals are to be itemized and shall be borne by the city.
C. Jurisdiction: The board shall hear and decide
appeals from, and review any order, requirement, decision, or determination,
made by the administrative official charged with the enforcement of this
The board of zoning appeals shall also hear all
applications for variations to the provisions of this ordinance and shall
submit its recommendations, based upon a finding of fact, for enactment in an
amended ordinance. The board of appeals shall not have the power to grant a
variation until a public hearing has been held by the board of zoning appeals,
pursuant to notice and upon receiving the board's report with a finding of
The board of zoning appeals shall have no authority to
authorize change in the use of any parcel of property or structure.
The concurring vote of four members of the board shall
be necessary to reverse any order, requirement, decision or determination of
the officer from whom an appeal is taken or to decide in favor of the applicant
any matter in which said board is required to pass under the provisions of this
D. Appeals and review: Any person aggrieved by a
ruling of the building commissioner, respecting the interpretation of this
ordinance or any officer, department, board or bureau of the city affected by a
ruling of the building commissioner concerning the interpretation of the
ordinance, may take an appeal to the board of zoning appeals. Such appeal shall
be taken within such time as shall be prescribed by the board of appeals by
general rules adopted by it, and shall be taken by filing with the building
commissioner and with the board of zoning appeals a notice of appeal, specifying
the grounds thereof, together with such plats and exhibits as are reasonably
necessary. Such appeal shall be taken upon forms provided by the board of
zoning appeals. The building commissioner shall forthwith transmit to the board
all the papers constituting the record upon which the action appealed was
E. Stay of proceedings: The appeal shall stay all
proceedings and furtherance of the action appealed from unless the commissioner
certifies to the board of zoning appeals after the notice of appeal has been
filed with him that by reason of facts stated in the certificate, a stay would,
in his opinion, cause imminent peril to life or property, in which case the
proceeding shall not be stayed otherwise than by a restraining order which may
be granted by the board of zoning appeals or by court of record on application,
with notice to the building commissioner, and all due causes shown.
The board of zoning appeals shall fix a reasonable
time and place for the hearing of appeals and shall give notice thereof to the
persons appealing and to the officer from whom the appeal is taken. It shall
hear and decide the appeal within a reasonable time. At the hearing, parties of
interest may appear in person or by agent or attorney.
The board of zoning appeals may reverse or affirm,
wholly or in part, or may modify the order, requirement, decision, or
determination as in its opinion ought to be made in the premises, and to that
end shall have all the powers of the officer from whom the appeal is taken.
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Keywords: Board, Zoning Appeals, Legal Forms