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Family Law – Community Property
I. Marriage
A. Entering into a marriage
1. valid for 30 days upon
issue; Medical Exams not required, homosexuals not allowed; sex change
operation not validate marriage; no license required for common law
marriage; ceremonial marriage is valid even w/o license
a. 72 hour waiting period –
no venue or residence requirements. Waiting period can be waived and does not
apply to ppl in armed forces
b. Application and Marriage
by proxy – use a proxy to get license and participate in ceremony
c. Must wait 30 days after a
divorce to get married to a 3rd party; can marry original spouse at
any time. Marriage in violation of 30 day wait period is voidable by innocent
party, only if action is brought w/in 1 year.
2. If under 18, requires parental
consent – for ages 14 to 17, must get license w/in 30 days after consent is
given. if no consent give, children ages 14 to 17 can petition in district
court for permission à granted if court thinks its in
best interest of the child
3. Marriage Ceremony – no
particular form required. Person authorized to conduct ceremony cannot
discriminate à State commission on Judicial
Conduct can recommend to the supreme court that the person is removed form
4. Common Law Marriage –
“informal marriage” in the Code
a. 3 part test – i) parties
agreed to be married ii) cohabitation iii) represented to others that they were
married (held themselves out as married). Degree of holding out varies from
case to case – a single act can sometimes do it.
b. “Declaration of Informal
Marriage” – not a requirement of common law marriage, nor is it an alternative
to ceremonial marriage – merely confirms an already informal marriage
c. Impediments – when one
spouse is already married, can neither do informal or ceremonial
d. Presumption against common
law marriage – if no action is brought w/in 2 years to prove, then presumption
that parties did not intend to be married
B. Validity of Marriage –
1. State policy is to uphold
marriages – validity not affected by fraud, mistake, illegality in obtaining
can be conducted by unauthorized person if i) apparent authority and ii) at
least one party to the marriage acted in good faith and treated the marriage as
2. Void marriages – children
of a void marriage are marital children for all purposes – 2 circumstances
makes it void
a. consanguinity – no
relations, adopted or blood – first cousins ok
b. bigamy – if 2 marriages
alleged, the most recent is valid
c. suit to declare marriage
void – either party may bring. Suit is “in rem” and can be brought ex parte. No
property rights acquired thru void marriage and separate proceeding to do
3. Voidable Marriages – no
annulment if parties have cohabitated unless underage or violates 72-hour
a. underage – discretion of
the court
b. alcohol or narcotics, permanent
impotency, fraud, duress, force at time of marriage à
c. mental incapacity to
consent to marriage – brought by incapacitated party
d. concealed divorce w/in 30
days of marriage – if reasonably prudent person would not have known – suit
brought w/in one year of marriage
e. 72-hour waiting period –
if violate “cooling-off” period, can annul w/in 30 days
C. Rights, powers, duties
arising from marriage
1. duty of support – to minor
children and other spouse à spouses liable for each other’s
K for necessities
2. Capcity: Joinder –
marriage = automatic capacity to K. Joinder of spouse not necessary to sue
3. Criminal Conversation
action or alienation of affection action against 3rd party is not
D. Marital Property Rights –
see community property
II. Dissolution of
A. Grounds for divorce
1. No fault Divorce –
Marriage is “insupportable” – only defense is “reasonable expectation of
reconciliation. Other grounds used for property advantage perhaps
2. Six Fault grounds – Cruel
Treatment, Adultery, Conviction of Felony (imprisonment of at least 1 year),
abandonment for at least 1 year, living apart for at least 3 years, confinement
in a mental hospital for at least 3 years
3. Defenses to Adultery –
Abolished. Condonation (knowing about adultery and continuing to live) and
recrimination (spouse drove the other to commit adultery) are abolished
4. Damages btw Spouses – can
recover for intentional infliction of emotional distress, but negligent. Note
that spouse cannot recover both tort damages and a disproportionate amount of the
community estate based on the same conduct
B. Residence Qualifications;
jurisdiction; venue
1. Petition for Divorce
a. durational residency
requirement – both parties must reside in tx for 6 months and resident of
county where filed for 90 days. One party might be enough. If on armed
services, still resident
b. If one spouse is resident,
other spouse may sue for divorce resident’s county
2. Suit for Annulment or
voiding – only if married in tx or either party is domiciled in tx
3. Long-Arm over Nonresident
– if petitioner is resident, ct may exercise juris over nonres spouse if tx is
last marital residence of the spouses and suit is commenced w/in 2 years after
date on which marital res ended OR there is any constitutional basis for
personal jurisdiction
C. Procedure – applies to
divorce, annulment, and voiding
1. Pleadings – Must contain
grounds relied on and whether a protective order for domestic violence is
pending, NOT a detailed summary of evidentiary facts
2. Court may order counseling
for divorce cases – counselor has to report whether there is “reasonable
grounds for reconciliation”, but cannot testify and reports not admissible
3. Default Divorce not
permitted – if respondent not show up, petitioner still has to prove grounds
for divorce
4. Custody and support of
minor children – must include separate “SAPCR” (suit affecting parent-child
5. Restrictions on Transfers
of debt – void if intent is to injure rights of other spouse, but not void with
respect to 3rd parties if they have notice (given by filing a “lis
6. Temporary Restraining
Order & Temporary Injunctions – Ex Parte TROs issued to prevent harassing
actions; after notice and hearing, can be extended to TI (which can require
sworn inventories and appraisals and can exclude one spouse from the residence
and can require support from one spouse)
7. Protective Order in case
of family violence – after notice and hearing and showing that family violence
occurred and is likely to reoccur à prohibits violence,
communicating with family member, staying away from residence or job, stalking,
harassing, annoying, etc. If ct finds clear and present danger, can issue ex
parte temporary protective order
8. Jury Trial – if demanded
by either party, but only advisory on all issues except child custody
9. Waiting period – 60 days
btw filing of suit and granting of divorce. No waiting for annulment or voiding
10. Divorce action abates upon
D. Alternative Dispute
Resolution – ct can refer or parties can agree, but both parties must sign
statement acknowledging awareness of methods
E. Court-Ordered Alimony not
valid – except for limited spousal maintenance (usually only after parties
married 10 years)
F. “Just and Right division
of Community Property” – 2 year SofL to enforce division of property
III. Parent-Child
A. Generally
1. Child = “minor” under 18,
unmarried. 16 y/o can petition to remove disability status if living apart from
parents and self-supporting and ct feels it’s in best interest
2. Parent
a. Mother - i) giving birth
ii) adjudicated iii) adoption
b. Father - i) unrebutted
presumption of man’s paternity ii) acknowledgment of paternity iii)
adjudication of paternity, iv) adoption v) man’s consenting to assisted
reproduction by his wife, leading to child
c. Presumption of Paternity
in context of marriage - i) if Child is born during marriage or w/in 300 days
of divorce (10 months) ii) man married the mother after the child’s birth, and
hevoluntarily asserted his paternity by filing record with bureau of vital
stats, named on child’s birth certificate, or promising in a record to support
- challenge to presumption
– brought w/in 4 years of birth unless ct determines that presumed father never
lived with mother and never had sex during probable time of conception.
- Only disproved by genetic
testing, but ct can deny testing and adjudicate if conduct of parents estops
claim of paternity and inequitable and not in best interests of the child
d. Rights of Father if Mother
is not married – father of non-marital child is entitled to service of process
in any SAPCR and can be adjudicated the child’s parent in a paternity suit
e. Assisted reproduction –
child is not the child of the donor unless husband of the mother. Husband is
father if he consents in writing to the assisted reproduction
3. Rights and Duties of the
Parent – right of custody; duty of care, support; rt to consent to marriage,
medical treatment, military services, rt fo manage child’s estate, and inherit
through the child
4. Parental Notification of
Abortion – 48 hours notice to parent or ct approval or physician determination
of necessity
5. Liability – for property
damage of child’s negligence if reasonable attributed to negligent failure to
exercise parental control or discipline. Liable for willful or malicious
conduct of child 12 or older (limited to $25k per act plus costs and atty fees)
plus actual damages limited to $5k for any theft
B. Suit Affecting Parent-Child
Relationship “SAPCR” – custody, visitation, support, adoption, paternity,
1. Persons who may bring –
parent, guardian, managing conservator, government, adoption agency, foster
parent (for 12 months), perons with custody for 6 months, father of non-marital
child can bring paternity action
2. Venue – dissolution venue
controls, otherwise county where child resides (cannot be modified by parties
3. Continuing exclusive
jurisdiction – after final decree is SAPCR, same court retains juris over all
matters in connection with the child
a. exceptions for moving
outside of state
b. Transfer to another county
– mandatory when divorce pending or child has resided in new county for 6
4. Long Arm Juris over
a. personally served in Texas
b. Submits to juris of Tx by
consent, general appearance,
c. Resided with the child in
texas or resided in texas and gave support to the child
d. Child resided in texas bc
of acts of the individual
e. Individual had sex in
texas and child could have been conceived by that act
f. Any other constitutional
C. Custody – managing and
possessory conservators
1. rights, duties, powers –
if both parents appointed as conservator, ct will specify rights. In all cases,
each parent will have the rt to info on child’s health, education, welfare.
a. General rts – access to
child’s records, consult with school officials, designated person notified in
case of emergency, rt to manage child’s estate
b. Period of Possession – rt
to direct moral and religious training, duty of care, discipline, support
c. Rts pwrs exclusive to sole
managing conservator – rt to child’s services and earnings, decisions about
child’s education, pwr to consent to marriage or military enlistment, pwr to
receive disbursements for child support and spend them, etc.
d. Nonparent Managing
Convservator – all except duty to manage child’s estate and duty to provide
medical care, but can consent to adoption if PC relationship terminated
2. Sole Managing Conservator
a. Best Interest Test –
Primary consideration
b. Strong Preference for
Appointment of Parent – absent special circumstances, must appoint parent. Can
also do Joint managing conservator. Cannot use gender or marital preference to
c. Agreement of parties – ct
appoints person unless not in best interest
d. Two or more children –
should not be split unless clear and compelling reasons – use best interest
e. Child’s Preference – 12
y/o may choose MC subject to judicial veto. On motion by either party, judge
Must interview the child to ascertain preference à result
not binding on court
f. Death of MC – does not
terminate exclusive continuing jurisdiction. Surviving parent has superior rt
to custody
3. Joint Managing Conservator
– Unless history of family violence, rebuttable presumption that JMC = best
a. Not require equal periods
of physical possession, and one of the homes usually becomes C’s primary
residence. Jury verdict as to C’s primary residence is binding (cannot to JNOV)
b. Requisites of Agreement of
Order - i) establish C’s residence ii)include provisions not to disrupt C’s
schooling, routine, friends iii) give rights exclusive to one JMC
c. Duty of support – appt of
JMC not affect ct ability to impose child support
4. Grandparent may bring
SAPCR – if i) child’s env with parents or present MC present serious and
immediate questions concerning child’s health or welfare ii) both parents
consents or iii) both parents deceased
5. Possessory Conservator –
noncustodial parent with visitation rights. Give possession of child over 3
whose parents live w/in 100 miles to noncustodial parents alternate weekends,
Wednesday evenings in school year and 30 days in summer. Parties can agree to
diff terms
a. Parent denied access to
child – history of family violence during 2 years preceding suit and shown by
preponderance of evidence UNLESS ct finds i) awarding access will not harm
child and is in best interest AND ii) enters possession order designed to
protect C
b. Possession cannot be
conditioned on payment of support
c. Ct can give Make-up days
for lost possession
6. Notice of Address change –
give other party 60 days notice
7. Modification of Order
establishing conservators (heavily tested)
a. Juris – court of
continuing exclusive juris, or if child is in new county for 6 months, party
motion is mandatory
b. Grounds – best interest of
child plus any of three tests:
- circumstances have
materially and substantially changed
- Child is 12 y/o and filed
name of conservator that child prefers
- Ct appted conservator has
relinquished primary care and possession for at least 6 months plus best
c. Modification of Rt to
determine primary residence w/in one year of order – show one of the following:
- present env may endanger
physical health or impair emotional development
- person with rt to
determine primary residence consents
- person with rt has
relinquished care and possession for months plus best interest
d. Modification of Order on
conviction for child abuse or family violence – conviction = material or
substantial change that justifies modification of earlier order appointing conservator
e. Limitation of Temporary
Orders – while case for modification is pending – ct may not enter temporary
designation of rt to determine primary res unless one of 3 tests is met:
- temporary order is
necessary bc present env may endanger C’s physical or emotional health
- person designated
voluntarily relinquishes plus best interest
- child is 12 y/o and files
with ct name of conservator that he wants
f. Increased expenses bc of
change of residence – if change of residence more expensive, ct can allocate
farily and equitably, taking into account the cause of more expenses and best
interest of child
D. Enforcement of Custody
Order – (important – Know habeus corpus, tort liability for “kidnapping”, and
1. Habeus Corpus – sole
purpose is to return possession of C to person entitled to possession
under ct order. Writ is automatic, immediate, ministerial and MUST be ordered
UNLESS i) finding of immediate serious question concerning C’s welfare or ii)
relator has by consent or relinquished possession of C for months.
a. Custody questions are not
to be relitigated
b. Parent asserting right of
possession against non parent may bring habeus even w/o custody order
2. Tort Liability for
Interference with Child Custody – if noncustodial parent “kidnaps” or custodial
parent conceals from possessory conservator with visitation rights. 30 days
notice for all D (including aiding and abetting)
a. Damages – actual to P,
including costs of locating the child, atty fees, costs, mental anguish.
Exemplary damages may awarded if D acted with malice or intent to cause harm to
person whose possession was interfered with. Party that aids and assists can be
J&S liable
b. Frivolous Suits – D
entitled to court costs and atty fees if suit dismissed or judgment awarded to
D and ct finds claim for dmgs was frivolous or unfounded
3. Criminal Liability – 3rd
degree felony
4. Contempt of Court – ct
order regarding custody enforceable by contempt, punishable by 6 months in
county jail and/or $500 fine. Relinquishment of possession of C by MC is
affirmative defense to contempt. MC can be contempt
5. Bond or Security – If
party fails to comply with custody arrangement on two or more occasions in
violation of ct order, after notice and hearing, ct order party to furnish bond
or other security conditioned on compliance
E. Uniform Child Custody
Jurisdiction & Enforcement Act – “UCCJEA” to help interstate disputes
1. Primary Test – Home State
Jurisdiction. State where C lived with parent for at least 6 months. Disregard
temp absenc
2. Exclusive Continuing
Jurisdiction – until i) neither C nor one P have a sufficient connection with
the state and substantial evidence relating to the matter is no longer
available in the state OR ii) neither the C nor the C’s parents continue to
reside in the state
3. “Home State” rule does not
apply: court will have juris when no other state has or accepts home state
juris AND i) C and at least one parent have “significant connection” with the
state and ii) “substantial evidence” concerning the C is available in the
state. In addition, court has a juris to enter or modify child custody or
visitation order if no other state has juris
4. Court can decline juris
when: it determines that it is an “inconvenient forum” and another state has
more proper juris. Also, court can decline juris if the party seeking juris has
engaged in “unjustifiable conduct” (kidnapping)
5. Temporary Emergency
Jurisdiction – in cases of Abandonment or Abuse (to protect the child).
6. Enforcement of other
state’s orders – custody or visitation orders can be registered in Tx and
a. Can subpoena respondent
and award physical possession to the petitioner
b. Can issue warrant to take
possession of C if imminently likely to suffer serious physical harm or be
removed form the state
c. Public Officer can locate,
obtain, enforce custody order when requested by court of if reasonable belief
that person holding the C has violated a criminal statute
7. Parental Kidnapping
Prevention Act – federal law – gives full faith and credit to other state’s
custody determinations
F. Grandparents may petition
for Reasonable Access – GP have independent cause of action to obtain and
enforce access rights under a SPACR unless enforcing is not in best interest of
C or C has been adopted by new family.
G. Child Support
1. Duty of Support – Each
parents has until C is 18 and thereafter until graduates high school. Also duty
to support adult child disabled before 18. Marriage, removal of disability, or
parent death terminates duty
2. Order of Child Support –
Ct may order either or both to pay. Made through local child support registry
or atty general. Can reach parent’s spendthrift trust to get child support
payments. Not dischargeable in bankruptcy.
3. Amount of C support – not
affected by bastard children. Factors = statutory guidelines, needs of C,
ability of parents, amount of possession of C by parent.
a. Statutory guidelines – 1
child = 20%, 2 C = 25%, 3 C = 30%, 5 C = 40%, more than 5 = 40%+
b. Rebuttable presumption
that statutory guidelines is reasonable and in child’s best interest
c. Guidelines apply to first
$6k/month of parent income. If parent makes more, ct can order more
d. Multiple Families – taken
into account in applying guidelines
e. Net resources – earned
income, passive income (dividends, interest, royalties), and other income (SS,
- if obligor parent is intentionally
unemployed, ct applies guidelines based on what P could make
- in computing net res,
deductions limited to FICA, union dues, health ins for children, withholding
allowed for single person claiming one personal exemption and a standard
4. Modification of Support Order
– only by court of continuing juris.
a. Can modify if i)
circumstances of C have materially and substantially changed or ii) 3 years
since order last modified and amt of support differs from stat guidelines by
either 20% or $100
b. Agreement not seek future increases
in child support unenforceable as against public policy
c. Parents have no authority
to reduce or modify ct-ordered support or to settle claim for support
arrearages w/o ct approval
5. Ct Must order obligor to
provide health insurance – either has to pay premium from either
parent’s employment plan or provide from 3rd party. If none of these
exist, ct can order “a reasonable amount each month as medical support for the
child” in addition to statutory support
6. Support obligations not
dischargeable in bankruptcy
H. Enforcement of Support
Order –
1. Mandatory Withholding from
earnings – final order for periodic support must provide for garnishing
wages EXCEPT where good cause is shown or parties agree otherwise.
(automatically kicks in if obligor becomes delinquent)
a. maximum withholding – 50%
of disposable earnings (not include investment income. Means gross earnings
less FIT, SS, union dues, 401k contribution, med ins). Child Support
withholding has top priority to other claims
b. Arrearages – whichever is
less of i) 20% additional withholding OR ii) amt needed to clear debt in 2
No statute of limitations for this remedy.
c. Self-Employed persons or
others not subject to withholding may be required to give bond or other
2. Contempt – After notice
(10 days) and a hearing, can be enforced by contempt ($500 or 6 mo county or
both or suspend order of commitment and do 5 years probation)
a. Inability to pay and
actual support (MC voluntarily relinquished possession) – affirmative defenses
b. Due Process Requirements –
contempt order cannot be given in absentia and proven “beyond a
reasonable doubt and indigent, informed of rt to have counsel appointed
c. No Interstate Enforcement
via Contempt – tx ct only give contempt for tx order. Exception: if
other state order is registered via certified copy of the order with tx court
under Uniform Interstate Family Support Act, same as tx
3. Suspension of Licenses and
Disqualification – licenses (driver hunting fishing professional business) if
obligor is i) 90 days in arrears ii) had opportunity to make payments under
schedule iii) failed to comply with repayment schedule. Licenses restored when
arrearages repaid. Also, delinquents cant get state grants, loans, contracts
4. Interest – after notice
and hearing where amt due is determined, ct can order amt plus % interest
5. Child Support Lien for
Arrearages – Statutory Lien arises by operation of law for all overdue support,
even if no judgment yet. Attaches to all real property (except homestead) and
all personal property (except exempt from creditor’s claims) and claims for
negligence, personal injury, workman’s comp
a. beneficiaries – custodial
parent, atty general, domestic relations office, atty appointed as friend of ct
b. perfection of lien – by
filing abstract of the judgement with appropriate authority or by filing child
support lien notice that indentifies the case, names, addresses, and amount (if
no final judgment yet)
c. Effect of Lien – filing
gives record notice. Property subject to lien cannot be sold, transferred, etc.
until claimant signs release of lien, or ct orders release. After attachment,
hearing to determine arrearage à judicial sale
d. Interest of Obligor’s
Spouse – if new spouse’s property or jointly owned, new spouse can petition to
release lien if sale would be unreasonable hardship on her
e. Levy and Execution of
Obligor’s Financial Assets – judgment rendered à
claimant delivers notice of levy to financial institution and to O à
O has 10 days to pay arrearages or arrange to or to contest à
levy paid by institution btw 15 and 21 days after notice
6. Uniform Interstate Family
Support Act “UIFSA” – method of enforcing modifications of support in other
a. enforcement – withholding
order mailed directly to obligor’s out of state employer or to foreign support
enforcement agency. If order registered with tx ct, becomes tx order
b. modification – out of
state support order only modified if i) issuing ct no longer has continuing
exclusive juris ii) petitioner is a nonresident and iii) respondent subject to
personal juris in tx
7. Full Faith and Credit for
Child Support Orders Act
I. Termination of Parent –
Child Relationship
1. Involuntary termination –
by statute if i) one of the grounds for termination is established and ii) best
interest of C. Both of these proved by “clear and convincing evidence”
a. Grounds
- Abandonment – voluntarily
left and i) expressed intent not to return ii) did not express intent to
return, failed to support C, and stayed away for 3 months or iii) expressed
intent to return but failed to support C and stayed away for 6 months. Precipitous
abandonment = parent left w/o means of ID and C cannot be reasonably be ID.
Father relationship can be terminated if he voluntarily abandoned pregnant
mother and failed to support before or after birth
- Imprisonment for more
than 2 years – if knowingly engaged in crim conduct
- Neglect – knowingly
placed child in conditions that endangered
- Abuse – P engaged in
conduct or placed with persons engaged in conduct that endangered
- Use of Controlled
Substance – if P used in a way that endangered and failed to complete
ct-ordered program, OR if parent was cause of C born with addiction
- Criminal Act resulting in
pregnancy – terminates P rights
- Failure to support for
one year – includes not paying child support. Indigence is a defense
- Parental misconduct – failed
to ct order relating to child abuse, or C not in school, or C absent from home
w/o consent and w/o intent to return
- Criminal Act towards
child – cause of serious bodily injury to C or rts terminated to another C
- Mental or Emotional
Illness – unable to care for C and islikely to continue until C is 18
b. Guardian Ad Litem – must
be appted in suit to terminate PC relationship unless i) C is petitioner ii)
atty ad litem appted or iii) C interest adequately represented by a party to
the suit. Must appt atty ad litem if state wants to terminate PC
relationship. May be appted in other SAPCR.
c. Jurisdiction – covered by
d. Involuntary term of rts of
alleged father – father has standing to challenge adoption, but if father is
unknown or has no interest in child, statutory termination (unless father
signed affidavit of waiver of interest):
- Culpable Acts – if father
committed any of the “grounds” for termination
- Failure to respond to
- Failure to file with
paternity registry – tx bureau of vital stats w/in 30 days of C’s birth. If
not, cannot contest paternity after rts terminated
2. Voluntary Termination
Petition – may be filed anytime after first trimester. No hearing or order
until C is 5 days old
a. Affidavit of
Relinquishment of Parental Rights – witnessed, notary public, 48 hours after C
birth à consenting decree so that not
need ct appearance for termination. Once termination decree, affidavit is
3. Affidavit of Status of
Child – after first trimester, says that child will be born out of wedlock and
paternity not established. Also need info regarding father for due process
4. Affidavit of Waiver of
Interest in the Child – Putative father disclaims interest.
5. Effect of decree
terminating PC relationship – final judgment and if no appeal, cannot be
modified. Waives all rights except child can still inherit from natural parents
unless rt is waived in decree
J. Adoption
1. Creates PC relationship as
if C born to them
a. Any adult can adopt as
long as in C best interest. If married couple, both spouses must join.
b. When may C be adopted? PC
rel with natural parents terminated, step-parent; former stepparent only if i)
C is 2 y/o ii) PC rel terminated to one parent iii) former stepparent has been
C’s MC or has had actual care, possession for 6 months (if nonterminated P
consents) or 1 year (if nonterminated P not consent)
c. Per-Adoptive Home
Screening, Criminal Record, Post-Placement Adoptive Report Required
d. Consent of C over 12
required and consent of MC required. But ct can waive both requirements
e. C must have resided with P
for 6 months unless waived (in best interest of C)
f. Venue – county where C
resides or where P resides unless SAPCR tied to a divorce action
g. No Jury trial
h. Court attendance –
adopting parents and C must appear at adoption hearing
i. Death or Divorce – abates
proceeding unless by 2 ppl and only one dies.
j. Direct or Collateral
Attack – not allowed to challenge adoption decree more than 6 months after
decree entered
k. Nonlicensed Adoption
Placement Activities - misdemeanor
2. Social, Health,
Educational, Genetic History report – required before adoption granted. Report
Summary available at adulthood, but names or parties is confidential unless
both parties want to find each other.
3. Adoption of Adult – if
adult consents in writing. Still child of natural parents for inheritance
although natural parents cannot inherit from him
4. SAPCR standing rules for
adoption cases – stepparent, adult in possession, any person with substantial
K. Paternity
1. Paternity suits – governed
by Uniform Parentage Act. Brought by C or C’s mom, or if mom is dead, brought
by alleged father. Father is usually respondent and suit is usually for
support. Must have personal juris over father and suit must be brought w/in 4
years of C’s birth
2. Genetic Testing – must be
99% and 100 to 1 paternity index. If genetic test fails, case is not dismissed à
other evidence is admissible. If person refuses to do genetic testing, court
can hold in contempt, or if person is alleged father, court can declare default
judgment against him
3. Temporary Order for Child
Support – if any of i) presumed father of child ii) petitioning to have his
paternity adjudicated iii) identified as father thru genetic testing iv) clear
and convincing evidence that he’s father.
4. Effect of Adjudicating
Paternity – PC relationship, all rights and duties
5. Acknowledgment of
Paternity – in writing (can be by minor) signed by mother and putative father.
If mother is married to a different man, he must sign denial of paternity
Challenges – may rescind before 60 days after acknowledgment is filed with
vital stats. OR before 4 years if alleging fraud, duress, material mistake of
fact – party contesting paternity has burden of proof
6. Paternity Suit by another
Man when child has presumed father – 4 year SofL
L. Child Abuse –
Professionals that believe child has been physically or mentally abused or
neglected must report info w/in 48 hours. Cannot delegate the duty. Can
testify in proceeding w/o crim or civil liablity
Community Property
I. Introduction
A. Separate Property
1. Property owned by iether
spouse before marriage
2. Property acquired during
marriage by gift will or inheritance
3. Separate property produced
by a written partition of community property
4. Tracing principle –
property purchased with separate funds
5. Tort recovery for PI
except medical expenses and loss of earning capacity (loss of consortium goes
to other spouse SP)
B. Community Property – All
other property acquired during marriage ex. Salary/wages, income from community
assets (bonus earned by spouse before marriage but paid to her after marriage =
her SP)
1. Income from Separate
Property is community property (but sole management CP) unless
a. spouses agree in writing
that the income will be SP
b. Gift from one spouse to
another – presumably donee’s SP
c. Delay rentals from oil and
gas are separate property
d. ?? in conviser
2. CP upon divorce is
subject to “just and right” equitable division
C. Community Presumption
1. All assets acquired during
marriage presumptively belong to the community
2. All assets acquired on
credit during marriage are presumptively acquired on community credit
3. All assets on hand whenever
the issue is raised (divorce, creditor’s claim, death) are presum CP
4. Burden of Proof – on party
that claims property is SP, and must show “clear and convincing evidence”
5. Even in tort injury, if recovery
is not broken down in party for medicals and part for pain, ALL CP
II. Characterization
A. Inception of Title Rule –
whether SP or CP determined at the time the asset is acquired.
Subsequent events or expenditures never affect the initial characterization,
they only go to a claim for economic contribution.
1. Not apply to employee
retirement benefits.
2. If CP funds used to pay
for house that is SP à spouse dies à
other spouse gets i) homestead ii) economic contribution
B. Community Funds expended on
one spouse’s Separate Property
1. Statute – if CP funds are
used to reduce secured debt or make capital contributions on one
spouse’s SP, community has claim for economic contribution that matures on
termination of marriage (also if SP funds used for CP à
contribution). If not secured debt or capital contr, can still be equitable
claim for reimbursement
2. In cases of reduction of secured
debt, economic contribution is the calculate contribution like this:
_ CP contribution (to reduction of principal
debt) _ X Equity =
CP contribution + SP contribution (during marriage) + Equity on day of 1st
3. Cost of improvements using
CP funds counted as economic contribution
4. Economic contribution does NOT
include mortgage interest payments or property taxes, just secured debt
5. Upon death or divorce, division
of CP (1/2 to each) can be imposed by equitable lien on any property in
the marital estate, not just the property benefited by community contribution
(subject to homestead exemptions)
6. If SP spouse X used to build
house on SP of spouse Y, house is considered fixture of land, and is Y’s SP,
but X gets economic contribution for capital contribution
7. No reimbursement claims for
living expenses, payment of student loans, contributions of nominal value
C. Property brought to texas
from another state
1. In common law state, H
salary his SP, W salary her SP; how title is held determines ownership; If SP
in common law state, it is SP in texas after brought to texas
2. “Quasi-Community Property”
– property acquired in a common law state, which would have been classified as
CP in Texas, is treated as CP for divorce purposes and subject to “just
and right” equitable division”
3. But upon death, stays
SP. Deceased Spouse estate would be his original SP + 1/2CP
4. “community credit
presumption” – goods purchased on credit during marriage are CP and funds
borrowed are community credit à mixed ownership (where 20% down
payment is with SP and rest on mortgage à 1/5 SP 4/5 CP)
5. Because of CP system,
Texas does not have “elective share statute” or recognize “tenancy by the
6. CP funds used to buy land
in common law state and title to one spouse à Use
Situs rule, thus SP of title holder, but other state will recognize other
spouse’s ½ contribution à constructive trust
D. Community Credit
Presumption – can be overcome by one of 2 tests:
1. Creditor agreed to look
solely to the separate credit of the borrowing spouse. Be the result if H had
signed the note “H, for his separate estate”
2. Spouses agreed it was to
be on separate credit of the borrowing spouse
** Not matter that H secures
loan with SP, signs note alone, deed in his name à still
CP acquired on credit during marriage because title held not matter, signature
presumptively on behalf of community, note security not only limited to SP
(creditor can reach CP). Will only overcome community credit presumption if non-recourse
note where borrowing spouse is not personally liable
E. Effect of how title is
taken; When does it affect classification?
1. Generally – how title is
held does not affect; use inception of title rule (time and circumstances of
2. Exceptions
a. one spouse uses SP funds
and takes title in other spouse’s name, presumption of gift to spouse à
b. one spouse uses CP funds
and takes title in other spouse’s name, community presumption applies,
but only slight evidence needed to show gift to other spouse’s separate estate
was intended
c. one spouse uses CP funds
and takes title in other spouse’s name, and deed says “W’s sole and
separate property” à W’s SP assuming W participated
in the transaction. If W did not, then it is CP
F. Application of Inception
of Title Rule to adverse possession begun before marriage, completed during
marriage – if claimant entered under a “rightful claim” before marriage, land
is SP. If claimant was a “naked trespasser”, then CP
G. Life Insurance Policies –
inception of title rule – first premium payment determines SP or CP for
character of life ins.
1. If policy started before
marriage, it is SP. If started during marriage, it’s CP
2. If CP funds used to pay
premiums of SP policy à equitable claim for
reimbursement (not economic contr)
3. Even if CP policy paid to
someone other than spouse (H’s sister), no reimbursement since CP funds for CP
H. Employee retirement
1. Employment started after
marriage = CP regardless of type
2. Employment started before
marriage = (inception of title rule not apply) – part before marriage is SP and
part after is CP.
a. defined benefit plan (amt
of benefit tied to years of service) – years while married divided by total
years. Payable either “if, as, and when received” or by “cashing spouse out” by
giving her assets of equal value, leaving pension to working spouse.
- if divorce, W gets her CP
share of H’s pension à QUDRO (qualified domestic
relations order) federal law
- if W predeceases – no
share, federal law preempts.
b. Defined contribution plan
– amt in retirement account at time of marriage = SP; rest up until divorce =
3. Benefits earned after
divorce = ct determines value of community interest at time of divorce (average
of 3 years, etc.)
4. Conflicts of Laws –
benefits earned in different states, part is SP and part is CP under conflicts
5. Military Benefits – spouse
gets CP interest in retirement if she was married during 10 years of military
service. Spouse has no interest in disability military retirement
6. Misc. – Spouse has CP
interest in disability insurance benefits acquired during marriage (even if
benefits paid after divorce). Social Security not divisible upon divorce bc of
federal preemption. Worker’s comp determined by date of disability, not when
earnings are received
I. Close Corp Business
Interests – SP if owned before marriage, but community estate entitled to
reimbursement for:
1. value of time, toil,
talent expended by H to enhance his separate estate
a. beyond the time that is
reasonably necessary
b. reduced by compensation in
the form of salary, bonus, dividends, etc.
2. Forumla = Value of Time,
Toil, Talent (what execs in comparable positions would be paid) MINUS value of
the time reasonably necessary to preserve the estate MINUS actual compensation
(wages, etc.)
3. Ex. Can’t keep all your
money in close corp and pay yourself $1/yr in wages and screw spouse – W will
get some
4. Alter Ego – might find CP
J. Comingled Bank Accounts –
community presumption applies where tracing to establish SP is difficult
1. “Community Out First Rule”
– presumed that community funds were withdrawn first, rest is SP
2. “Lowest Intermediate
Balance Rule” – lowest balance = SP
III. Division of
Property Upon Divorce
A. Divorce Court cannot divest
separate title of one spouse and award it to the other spouse (compensating
with other property) – Trial court can only affect SP when support for minor
children is at issue
B. Trial Judge determinations
hold a lot of weight – unequal divisions only reversed on appeal if so
disproportionate as to be manifestly unjust and an abuse of discretion.
1. Factors: age &
physical condition, relative ability and earning potential, relative needs of
future support, size of estate, benefits spouse would have received from
continuation of marriage, fault
2. Fault – Court can take
fault into account even in no-fault divorce.
C. Appellate judge cannot
redistribute estate based on what he thinks is “just and right” – can only
reverse and remand
D. Later-discovered CP not
partitioned at divorce subject to just and right distribution in a
separate action.
1. S of L = 2 years after
other party repudiated claim of community ownership (not 2 years after divorce)
E. Limited Spousal
Maintenance –
1. Eligibility
a. Couple married for at
least 10 years (unless other spouse convicted of family violence in last 2
b. Spouse must lack
sufficient property to provide for her minimum needs and
c. Spouse is seeking
maintenance either i) unable to support herself bc of disability or ii)
be custodian of a disabled child or iii) lacks employment skills adequate to
provide her minimum reasonable needs
2. Maximum award = lesser
of $2500/month or 20% of spouse’s average monthly income – limited to shortest
period that will enable spouse to obtain appropriate employment or develop an
employable skill. Max time = 36 months
3. Factors = lack of
employment history and skills, her physical and mental condition, her
contributions as homemaker and to earning ability, other spouse’s ability to
meet his needs and child support obligations
4. Modification – amount can
be modified lower but not higher upon showing materially or substantially
changed circumstances. Award terminates upon i) death of either party ii)
remarriage of maintained spouse
a. Exceptions: i) temporary
alimony “until a final decree is entered”, ii) Contractual Alimony – parties
agree iii) in rem periodic payments IF referable to property not easily
6. Life Insurance – divorce
terminates former spouse’s rights as beneficiary unless i) spouse is renamed as
beneficiary after divorce and ii) divorce decree names spouse as beneficiary
7. Insurance follows the
property – auto accident proceeds goes to owner of car regardless of who is
named beneficiary
8. Good will of professional
practice – not property subject to division
9. Earning of a professional
degree – not subject to division, even though tuition paid from CP
10. Bigamous relationship – if
not legally married, no CP
a. unaware spouse, called
“putative spouse” characterized as partnership or joint venture
b. use CP laws anyway – ONLY
if spouse didn’t know
c. if original spouse
(nonbigamous) dies or divorces, then new relationship is legal
IV. Income from
separate property is community property – exception for gifts and written
A. Trust Income interests –
interest from trust is SP unless he had unrestricted power to withdraw
and didn’t
B. Mineral Interests
1. Bonus paid by gas company
in consideration of oil and gas lease = SP
2. Royalties = SP
3. Delay rentals = CP
C. Corporate Distributions –
1. 10% stock dividend = SP
2. stock split resulting in
more stock = SP
3. Proceeds from sale of
stock (capital gains) = SP
4. CASH dividend paid = CP
5. Stock options awarded
during marriage = CP
D. Animals increase – birth to
new animals = CP
V. Agreements altering
the character of assets
A. Premarital Agreements
1. Uniform Premarital
Agreement Act – key features
a. in writing signed by both
b. no consideration requied
c. parties can agree that
income from SP will be SP
d. agreement can govern
disposition of property on separation, divorce, death including making of will
and trust
e. can waive right to
homestead, exempt personal property, family allowance, and can deal with any
other matter including their personal rights and obligations
f. Can agree to keep salary
and wages as SP
g. Can not agree before
marriage to make inherited SP into CP (only agree to that after marriage)
h. Can waive right to spousal
maintenance and support
i. Can NEVER limit
obligation to furnish child support
2. Invalidated if not signed
3. Invalidated if either:
a. “unconscionable when made”
b. no fair disclosure of
property or financial obligations, right to disclosure was not waived, AND no
adequate knowledge of property or financial obligations
c. Burden of Proof of
unconscionablity on party seeking to void the agreement – matter of law, not
fact so no jury
B. Marital Agreements –
spouses can agree in writing to convert separate property into CP (advantage is
that stock gets new basis upon death of one party, disadvantage is “just and
right” division for divorce and that power of disposition lost over half of
1. Gift given to both “as
community property” or other acquisitions inended to be CP are still SP – need
2. Spouses can make unequal
a. agreement is valid against
preexisting unsecured creditors
b. if land, agreement must be
recorded in records office where county is located
c. if intent is to defraud
creditors, then not valid against creditors
3. Can also make exchange
agreement if recorded in county where located (for land)
C. Community Property
Survivorship Agreements – “spouses can agree that all or part of CP goes to
surviving spouse upon death of one” – can be used for specific assets, all CP,
CP not yet acquired, etc.
1. must be in writing and
signed by both parties (compare to other survivorship agreements, where
party that survives must have signed it in order for it to be enforceable)
2. Either spouse may revoke
by written notice to other spouse
3. Court Order Adjudging
agreement valid – agreement valid w/o it, but since it is non-probate transfer,
ownership rights won’t be established in probate proceedings w/o the order
4. 3rd party
dealing with decedent’s estate w/o notice of agreement are protected – BFP
takes good title
5. 3rd party
dealing with surviving spouse w/o notice of revocation – six month rule – if
purchaser takes more than 6 months after death à good
title against decedent’s successors
D. Palimony agreements – “on
consideration of nonmarital conjugal cohabitation” must be in writing and
signed by the party sought to be charged
VI. Power To Challenge
Gifts of CP
A. Fraud on the Spouse’s
Community Share
1. One spouse can make
“reasonable” gifts of community property, as long as gifts are no so
disproportionate as to be in “fraud of spouse’s community rights”
2. Factors:
a. relationship to donee –
gift to unrelated party is presumed fraudulent. Absent special circumstances,
gift can be set aside in its entirety during challenging spouse’s lifetime, ½
after challenging spouse’s death
b. amount of gift in relation
to estate
c. whether special
circumstances justify the gift
d. whether gift was of the
donor’s sole management CP
3. Also use “fraud on the
spouse” test if H, insured, names mistress or child from previous marriage as
B. “Illusory Trusts” – if one
spouse uses CP to create a revocable trust and also retains power to control
it, it is illusory and can be set aside by other spouse
VII. Management Powers
and creditor’s rights
A. Effect of divorce on
preexisting creditors
1. Divorce does not affect
rights of preexisting creditors
2. If both spouses sign a
note, both will be liable.
3. Judgment liens imposed
after divorce not affect CP set aside for other spouse
4. Bank’s option is to seek a
constructive trust imposed on the property – action must be in rem and
against property in other spouse’s hands since action against spouse is not
B. Classification of Marital
Property for management purposes
1. Different classifications
a. W’s SP
b. W’s Sole Management
Community – W’s salary, income from W’s separate property
c. Joint Management Community
– if sole management properties of the two spouses are mixed, then subject to
joint management, control, and disposition
d. H’s Sole Management
Community – H’s income, etc.
e. H’s SP
2. Property titled to one
spouse’s name (or possession) is presumptively subject to that spouse’s sole
management (policy is to protect BFP – imagine painting of H’s SP in W’s office
and W sells it – BFP is valid against SP claim)
C. Liability for Torts – all
CP subject to tort liability of either spouse.
1. Tort committed during
marriage by H – can reach all property except W’s SP
2. Tort committed before
marriage by H – can only reach assets over which H had management power (H’s
SP, H’s sole management CP, and joint management CP)
D. Liability on Contracts –
each spouse is personally liable for other spouse’s and minor children’s K for
1. If not a K for
necessaries, creditors can only reach property that debtor has management
control over
2. If H mortgages CP,
creditor can reach all except W’s SP and W’s sole management CP.
3. Liability created for both
if one spouse acted as agent of the other
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Keywords: Family Law, Community Report, legal forms